It is difficult to not be successful with such a simple task. Yet too often I feel as though my life is not filled with simple tasks. Instead of checking each item off the list and falling into bed knowing I did what was necessary that day, I am often going to sleep simply because I'm too exhausted to finish the task at hand.
The Camino was simple. Not easy, but very simple. I don't think my interactions with everyone I encountered were perfect, but essentially every day ended successfully.
I don't feel this success as a teacher. I don't feel this success simply as a working young adult Catholic. Most days I feel as though I am miserably failing. Then I wake up the next day to fail again. The stack of uncorrected papers grow, the lesson plans become less than plans and more like ideas that are half-taught. The sleep dwindles, the time I take for prayer lessens and I fall asleep during it anyway.
I am not successful.
The world measures my life by a standard of success that I do not have the luxury of choosing. Even if I had the option to choose my own standard, I would still fall short.
Thankfully, the Lord measures success differently. He desires my faithfulness and not simply my apparent (or unapparent) success. With honesty, however, I am lacking in the faithfulness department, too.
All of this draws me back to the simplicity found on the Camino. I had no papers to grade, no lessons to plan, no time to waste on Facebook, and very little distractions apart from the beautiful scenery and the pain in my feet. It made me wish that all of life could be like that. That life could be a simple, clear path. I would wake up in the morning and know exactly where I was to go and I would take the necessary steps to get there. I would nourish my body and try to consistently be in my bed by 10 pm. It was a forced balance that I find myself not adhering to on a regular basis. I knew what I needed and so I did what was necessary.
How do I take the simple beauty of the Camino lifestyle, the necessary discipline encompassed within that, and apply it to my daily life?
How do I encounter success through being faithful?
How do I simplify?
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