I hesitate to say this too soon. Mostly because I have one class period left and that could very well be the class where it all falls apart. But so far, so good.
Today we spoke of truth. Specifically objective and subjective truths. My first year, I naively threw around bold statements like, "The Church is the fullness of truth" and the thing was, I didn't know they were bold claims. I was simply saying what I believed and had been taught. How that translated in the minds of some of my students was that I hate every other religion and think they are stupid. Or something to that effect.
It is a delicate balance, this teaching high school students thing. I do not want to tip-toe around and offer the truth with an implied, "I'm sorry that I believe this, but here it is" attached to it. However, my students aren't quite ready for the fullness of truth. There is something to be said about trying to put them in the best possible frame of mind when presenting the teaching of the Church. Sometimes I come on with too much and sometimes I am a coward by choosing to say too little. It is an art and I'm not very artistic.
Last class period, I think it went pretty well. I didn't want to argue with pitting specific religions against each other. Instead, I chose the logic route. Logically speaking, can all of the world religions all be completely correct in their teachings? Some teach there are several gods, some teach one god, and others profess no god. Can they all be correct? Logically, the answer must be no. I used this to apply it to the different religions. Is it intolerant to say that not all of the world religions can all be correct? You can argue that no religion is entirely correct, but you cannot argue that they are all completely true. I then encouraged them to seek the truth. Obviously they know what I believe to be true.
My hope is that I intrigued them and challenged them to evaluate their beliefs. I want them to be grounded and I want them to actually believe what they profess to believe. If they will honestly pursue the truth, I am convinced that they will find it. That they will find Him.
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